Clermont-Ferrand Photographic Center
Circulation(s) extends each year beyond CENTQUATRE-PARIS in the form of tours and outside the walls in France and Europe. For the third consecutive edition, 8 artists from the festival set down their suitcases in the Auvergne region in a 16th century private mansion transformed into a center dedicated to photography.
Guests artists: Marcello COSLOVI, Natalie MALISSE, Ann MASSAL, Iván PUÑAL GARCIA, Anna SZKODA, Penelope THOMAIDI, Viktoriia TYMONOVA, Kinga WRONA.
Additional information
From April 04 to June 17, 2023
Hôtel Fontfreyde · Centre photographique de Clermont-Ferrand
Petite Rue Saint-Pierre, 63100 Clermont-Ferrand
Start date : 04/04/2023
End date : 17/06/2023