Boda Boda Madness
The Netherlands
For this project, Jan Hoek collaborated with the Ugandan-Kenyan fashion designer Bobbin Case, with whom he shares a fascination for the motorcycle taxis, known as boda bodas, that drive around Nairobi. Due to the overwhelming number of drivers and in an attempt to attract customers, the drivers adopt the most fantastical-looking motorbikes. Jan and Bobbin were surprised by the contrast between the originality of the customised vehicles and the sobriety of the drivers’ uniforms.
They consequently chose seven of the most eccentric boda bodas and helped them to gathers outfits or accessories to complete their characters. Jan Hoek’s photographs show life-size heroes proudly posing in front of Nairobi landscapes. Meet Mad Max Driver, Machette, Vibze, Ghost Rider, Red Devil, Lion and The Rasta Driver!
With the support of The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
About the artist
Jan Hoek (b. 1984) is an artist photographer and writer living in Amsterdam. In his work, he creates a universe where “normal” people are the strangers and the outsiders are the funky rulers of our world. His projects have been exhibited at the Foam (Amsterdam), the Unseen Festival (Amsterdam), Photoville (New York), the Fomu (Antwerp) and Lagos Photo (Lagos).