


Determined to find out more about his family history, Luca De Jesus Marques undertook some research and was faced with a family tree that was virtually devoid of photographic representations. The little information he possessed did not allow him to put faces to his male ancestors. So he decided to combine the data he had gathered from his family (where they lived, what they did for a living, physical details, etc.) with his own self-portraits, to recreate the faces of his grandfathers, great-grandfathers and even great-great-grandfathers, using artificial intelligence. 

After numerous attempts, and once a satisfactory image had been generated, Luca De Jesus Marques makes a few alterations and prints the portrait using the photographic process that corresponds to the period in which it would have been taken. He is currently working with his aunts to continue his series by creating portraits of his female ancestors. 

About the artist

Born in 1996, Luca De Jesus Marques lives and works in Paris. After a master’s degree in accounting and auditing, he enrolled in the photography bachelor’s programme at the Ecole des Gobelins in Paris. It was during these years of apprenticeship and experimentation that he undertook his first project, Genealog.IA, presented at the Circulation(s) festival.