The Mediterranean Sea is the most lethal migratory route in the world. Its waves are tinted with blood – but not only. Excessive urban effluents generate the proliferation of microalgae, commonly called “red tides”, triggering a reddish colouring of the water. Through an experimental video and a series of photographic prints made with gum bichromate*, Aliki Christoforou invites us to review our gaze on the Mediterranean. By replacing the pigments used for print with human blood, the artist brings to the fore the socio-political and environmental spheres like complex and inseparable assembles. In this way, she establishes a connection between the physicality of the images and the stories they show.
*Gum bichromate is a print process invented in the mid-19th century. This contact print technique consists in a photosensitive emulsion made of gum arabic (derived from sap), potassium bichromate and pigments fixed by light through the negative on the final surface.
With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles (CWB), Paris – Hors-Les-Murs Constellations
With the support of the Hellenic Cultural Center
About the artist
Born in Brussels in 1992, Aliki Christoforou graduated in architecture and lives and works between Belgium, France and Greece. His artistic practice combines experimental photography and video. His work hinges around environmental and social topics and shifts between reality and fiction.