Les villas


2016Animated gifs

As in all the developing countries, the cities of Morocco undergo since a few decades a wild development. It looks like a little Sim City game, whole districts built according to a rectangular plan seem to go out from nowhere.

It is always this limit in movement between city and countryside that caught my eye. We pass without transition of a rural and horizontal landscape in a vertical and urban landscape. In this surrealist decoration populated with strange mechanical creatures, people and animals again seem to find their place.

“Les Villas” is the teasing name of one residential zone near Marrakesh where I realized the first photos of this series. I had chosen this zone accidentally, but it showed itself very representative of about ten suburbs which I explored through all Morocco for this project.






About the artist

François Beaurain was born in Bordeaux, France in 1976. Francois is a self-taught and multifaceted artist working predominantly as a photographer, but he sometimes extends to drawing, collages and sculptures. François has a scientific background and works as a climate change specialist in parallel to his artistic activities. He lives and works between Paris and Rabat, Morocco.