" Jin - Jiyan - Azadi " Women, Life, Freedom
It is said that dying at the hands of a woman deters a martyr from entering paradise!
Approximately one third of all Kurdish fighters in Rojava (Western Kurdistan) are women. Unafraid of death and fulfilled by their passion for their homeland and their love for their families and people, these women muster up the courage to face ISIS in Syria. One of their most recent victories includes the recapturing of the city of Kobane, in Northern Syria. At home, they are celebrated as heroes. These women refuse the patriarchal view that regards women as objects. Viewed, most of the time, from a military and ideological perspective, one could describe the current Kurdish feminist movement as the world’s strongest movement on behalf of the rights of women.
With the support of the Goethe Institut
About the artist
Sonja Hamad was born in 1986 in Damascus, Syria, and is the daughter of Kurdish Yazidi parents. The family settled in a small town in Germany when she was three. As part of her degree in photography in Berlin, she presented a series of portraits that marked the beginning of her quest for cultural identity. This became a subject of personal and intimate relevance.