ZWICK Mathias

Une poussée vers l'ouest


2017Sélection du jury

T-shirt of American brands, Go-Pro cameras, skateboards. This is not California, this is Iran. In 2015, Mathias Zwick, also a skateboarder, followed through eight cities this Iranian youth imbued with Western culture. They are between 15 and 25 years old. They mostly come from middle-class or upper-class families. There is about 2000 of them throughout the country and many of them are girls, skateboarding being one of the few sports that allow that kind of diversity. They zigzag between old Peugeot 405 and Paykan, remainders of the time of the Shah. The road is their territory. Far from the traditional mollahs and chadors, in complete opposition with the image of Iran abroad, the skateboarders don’t let go of their Western rush.

About the artist

Mathias Zwick was born in 1990. He is a photography-enthusiast since the age of 15. He studied law, then worked as a legal practitioner, and finally decided to focus on photography. He went to Iran and made his first photoreport about the iranian youth.