2017Sélection du jury
Medulla is a word that comes from latin and that expresses the centre, the heart of a matter. The theme and the way it is presented in this series refer to Dutch still-life painting from the 17th century, as a traditional symbol of immortality. Through her photographs, Oliwia Rogalska inverses this approach: by revealing the different layers and the material those stuffed animals are made of, she shows that they are mortal beings. This deconstructive process releases the animals, while studying their essence by questionning the limit between the flesh and the spirit.
About the artist
Oliwia Rogalska was born in 1990 in Poland. She obtained her degree in photography at the University of Arts in Poznan, and studied philosophy. In her work, she questions the relationship between nature and culture, and more generally the fundamental modern issues at stake in our post-humanist world.