PLAS Frédérique (04/15)

Traditional studio… but coloured !

2018Photographe Studio Photo

Frédérique invites you to come dressed as you wish, surrounded by your family, with your children… or not ;), and your children can come with or without you ! You have the right to be matched… or mismatched, your kids dressed like they wish. You only have to stare at the lens, like in a traditional studio but colourful !

About the artist

Frédérique Plas has been photographing for a long time.
After graduating as a Dplg architect, she decided to do only photography.
She responds to requests for portraits of press, institutions, communication agencies, and who wants, since about fifteen years.
She supervises a photography workshop in classes of BTS and DSAA Graphic Design.
And at the same time, doing a personal job, trying to do something other than a portrait, but it does not really work, it always comes back to this obsession with photographing people …