

2018Jury Artist

With Environments, Jon Gorospe brings waste processing to light. This well-oiled process is usually hidden from the public. Jon Gorospe decomposes the processing of garbage bags, starting with their arrival to the garbage dump: waste is quickly moved out of sight, to places from which they are not meant to come back. To Jon Gorospe, this is a metaphor of our modern society –which he calls “post- apocalyptic”– that throws away, keeps the big issues quiet and at a distance rather than dealing with them. 

About the artist

Jon Gorospe was born in Spain in 1986. In 2013, he graduated from the EASD (Higher School of Art and Design), in the Basque Country. He currently lives and works in Oslo in Norway and in Vittoria in Spain. His photographs were taken in eight different countries: Spain, Germany, Malta, Italy, France, the United States, Norway, and Hungary. In 2017, he showed his work in Spain and Portugal, including during the Bergira Photo Festival where he was awarded the Creation prize.