The truth about the moon landing


The presented series is a reflection about words, facts and conspiracies. “In Germany we say: “a picture speaks louder than 1 000 words.” What if words were lying? People like conspiracy theories and the “moon landing” is “the mother of all conspiracy theories”. Why do we like and why do we believe in a crazy theory when we see the pictures for real? Why do we believe more in the pictures than in the words? In the “The moon Landing” series, my aim was to show a funny and burlesque version of the truth about the moon landing. Having doubts about the veracity of the facts when the pictures are proofs is so stupid! I personally believe the Americans went to the moon! THE TRUTH about this landing is only a teasing for the next project: what happened to Stanley, my hero, after he landed on the moon? He became the director of the Ukrainian space station called “Potemkine” and this story is even more funny.”

About the artist

Thomas Herbrich was born in 1955 in Düsseldorf. He learns photography as an assistant to a still life photographer, where he becomes initiated to advertising photography. Stanley Kubrick’s movie 2001 – A space odyssey was a revelation to him as well as a great source of inspiration. Since then, he doesn’t stop trying to take spectacular pictures in which he sees the influence of Stanley Kubrick.

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