GARCIA Ivan Puñal

We love plastic


We Love Plastic is a series fully designed with the use of artificial intelligence, namely machine learning algorithms. It addresses the environmental paradox we face: between climate emergency on the one hand and the perpetual race towards new, innovating but polluting, technologies on the other hand. The artist challenges us in our involvement in this societal change that is necessary to the survival of our species.

Iván Puñal Garcia also raises the issue of legitimacy of the artistic gesture and dilemmas that creation will face in the future: are these images true works of art? Should the field of artistic creation be the exclusive preserve of human beings? What will happen when we can no longer distinguish human-made from machine-made “art”?

About the artist

Born in 1975, Iván Puñal Garcia is a Spanish photographer. A technical architecture graduate from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he also holds a master’s in documentary photography from the Blank Paper School in Madrid. He currently works as an audiovisual producer and specialises in sound and audiovisual performance production.