2016Animated gifs
One day, he realised that he was making the same trip every day for almost four years.
Waking up at the same time, taking the same routes through the same streets, walking on the same sidewalks in front of the same buildings…
This is why he wanted to find a visual way to represent this phenomeon called routine. That’s how this project was born.
This is a work about repetition, present in many forms in these images, not only with people walking by in cadence but also with the buildings facades full of geometric, rythmic and repetitive elements. Because life is all about rythm.
About the artist
Born in 1990 in Strasbourg (France), Julien Douvier is a photographer/videographer who uses a lot the .Gif image format in his projects, whether personal or professional.
After studies in the field of automotive bodywork, Julien switched to art studies during which he began almost accidentally to create what he likes to call “animated photography”.