Good Luck
An old 1930s typewriter found on an American amusement park.
In 32 characters, with just a few words hammered on the machine, we remember a happy moment, a place, a day, people. But there is often another side to the coin!
This reality that we could not have imagined appears on the back of this piece of memory. And the presence of this object of memory weighs us down, like a wheel of misfortune. What is written on the brass, on the photo paper, has to happen, like an awareness of destiny that is accepted at last.
From the unavoidable event, the fall is both the scenic place and the scenario: the piece and the text, the gesture and the abandonment.
About the artist
Born in 1977 François Burgun is a french photographer and visual artist, living between Arles, Paris and Montreal. His photography became multidisciplinary by choice. His vision of the world is no longer that of a capture of the real but of its pure creation. In 2018, he takes part of Lianzhu festival in China and “Mutations” exhibit in New Delhi.